Friday, March 29, 2013


With Abu Diaby crocked once again, it's now decision time for both player and manager...

To draw a positive from this negative - Arsene Wenger must now spend accordingly to replace Diaby, a panic-buy situation we're becoming more accustom to (Arteta, Monreal etc).

I know that Arsene Wenger had considered Diaby in his long-term squad plans, even if we all knew that Diaby would last as long as a 'Kardashian wedding'.

Now that Diaby is unfortunately out for up to 9 months with a torn anterior cruciate ligament, we're again left in a predicament...

... How much do we offer Celtic for Wanyama?
He's rated at £10 million which is a pretty fair price for the sought-after 21 year-old defensive midfielder. And also a massive coup for Celtic as they bought the Kenyan for a mere £900,000.

At 26 years-young, Abu Diaby has to now make some serious decisions regarding his footballing future.
Surely Wenger cannot be entertaining the idea of keeping the lanky Frenchman? He's like a 2004 Range Rover - he's amazing when he's actually running but spends most of his time in the shop and costs you a bloody fortune.
Diaby is a f@#kin lemon!

I feel so sorry for him but he has to be considering retirement at this stage, this is a player who had never achieved more than 34 consecutive starts in his entire career. In 9 years as a professional player he's archived a total of 132 league appearances. That's an average of 13.5 games a season.

I hope that Diaby can overcome this new hurdle but I think his time as an Arsenal player is truly over.

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