Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Udinese's sporting director, Fabrizio Larini has spoken out on Alexis Sanchez's struggle since joining Barcelona.

After the Catalan giants prized-away Udinese's starlet for a staggering €26 million (£22 million) back in the summer of 2011, the Chilean forward has been marred by first team competition and a string of injuries to boot.
An undeniable talent, the most coveted player of the 2011 transfer market is said to be close to the Barcelona exit and a school of hungry super-clubs are circling with intent.

Man City, Juventus, Inter Milan, Liverpool and now Arsenal are regarded best suitors for the 24 year-olds future.

Fabrizio Larini spoke regarding Sanchez's transfer situation:

"Sanchez needs to play the ball on the ground, just like Arsenal," he is quoted on "That would be his ideal game."

When questioned as to whether Sanchez could also play for Juventus or Inter, Larini was open-minded. "I don't see why not," he added. "He has all the qualities to do well."

"I do not know his current situation at the Spanish club. But his fitness problems have definitely limited his performances. The only thing that these teams will have to consider is that he is a player who needs freedom to play his way. In teams that have particularly rigid patterns of play he might have a few problems."

A Dynamic player

Sanchez can play all across the attack and even has defensive qualities which will definitely interest Wenger.
His versatility, age and experience in the top flight, are all contributers that make Alexis Sanchez an awesome target to for Arsenal to pursue.

The sheer fact that Barcelona owe us a 'bloody good deal' should be incentive enough to pull-off this coup.
The ex-Arsenal-talent they've recently acquired (Fabregas, Song) amounts to 'far more' (£52 million) than Alexis's original transfer fee.

Will we get Alexis for cut-price? He won't be cheap - he will however be less than the £22 million paid.

And being very close friends with much-loved Arsenal advocate Cesc Fabregas - this deal could certainly play in our favor...

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