Sunday, March 3, 2013


A sad sad day to be a Gooner.

Hardly a surprising result to be honest. Wenger claimed he had no plan for Gareth Bale and he wasn't bluffing!
No plan for one of the most dangerous players in the best form of his life. I'm sorry but enough is enough Wenger, you stubborn fool.

Time to step down while you still have some dignity.


We actually started pretty well dominating the midfield, Arteta, Cazorla and Wilshire played the ball forward well between them. Our final ball was pretty horrific as usual, Ramsay consistently lost possession or delivered sloppy balls.
Jenkinson was flying down the flank when he could, delivering some nice low crosses but with nobody to deal with them. Giroud looked as frustrated as we all felt, he just wasn't in the right places today.

Theo's pace really wasn't utilized, he should have played down the middle with the Ox providing the pace on the wing.

All in all we looked more confident than Spurs in the 1st until they moved the ball on the break. Our defense basically fell apart. Vermaelen is a shadow of his former self. I don't know if it's the zonal marking or just pure demoralization but something is drastically wrong with our back line. When you let in two identical goals in two minutes questions have to be asked!
Steve Bould's new-look defense looked promising at the of the season, what happened?

I think Wenger's meddling has killed Bould's tactical vision.

The second half really never got going. Apart from the goal which surprisingly enough was from decent hold-up play from Ramsay. He may have completely ran out of ideas but he kept the ball well, drew the foul on the left wing and the free kick was placed nicely for Mertesacker to glance past Lloris into the bottom corner.
That was it for the next 45 minutes.

Spurs had a few good chances that they should have taken but the ball just moved around the midfield until the final whistle blew.

What next?
It's time to leave Arsene. We're 7 points behind 3rd place Tottenham. I can't see us beating Chelsea to 4th so that means the Champions League is beyond us and no world-class players are going to want to play for a second rate club like Arsenal.

That was one of the toughest things to write but it's true. The figures don't lie

Wenger's reign is over. We need new blood, new tactics and a new Arsenal. We can't survive with a manager who is happy with 4th place.

Alex Ferguson wouldn't survive 5 years without a trophy. Bring on the oil-money and revive this soulless Arsenal.

Enough is enough.

1 comment:

  1. He's got to go son! Time for a new era at Arsenal and play for TOP honours!
