Thursday, February 21, 2013


He must be back on the 'you know what, followed by a fat line of the 'you know what'...

According to the Mail, Arsenal legend Paul Merson has told Arsene Wenger to "stay at Arsenal and clean up you're mess!"

One part of me wants to agree and say "yeah you twat, you caused it, you clean it!"
But, the more logical part says surely the damage isn't done.
Every 'bottom' has a trap-door and I strongly believe that the longer Wenger stays, the more Arsenal football club will fall beyond irreversible disrepair.

I hope I'm wrong, I hope that next season we've spent that £70 million warchest, have numerous world class signings and can finally parade through London on that open-top bus once again.


And referring to the Bayern result (been trying to avoid), it's actually a bitter sweet situation for me.
We were so outclassed by the Germans, it's a miracle we even scored a goal let alone only conceded three.
Their defense was impenetrable (I remember when that was us), their organization was impeccable and they then replaced there world class players with world class substitutes.
The bittersweet part,  I feel that if we succumb to a few more of these horrible, demoralizing and embarrassing defeats then Wenger may actually say "enough is enough" and resign.

Up until the RVP saga when Wenger stood firm and said that Robin was 'going nowhere', ("we'll hold him to his contract!") and then we sold him!
To our biggest rivals?
Wenger's biggest personal rival (Fergie).
We sold our best player to the team we are chasing and aspire to be?!?

I was actually one of the fools saying the boss should stay.
But after such, deceit, cowardice and obvious ulterior motives (bank balance) how can anyone sit back and accept the evidence?

Merson at least recognizes that we desperately need to turn things around.

PM: "I know Arsene. I played for him. He will be hurt by what’s happening at his club – and I’m sure it’s crossed his mind to walk. He must take responsibility and turn it round, but that means admitting his mistakes and learning from them – and I’m not sure he is very good at that."

He added: "Arsene, you’ve been wrong too often lately. Mostly, you are wrong for trying to do too much. It’s time to let others take on some responsibility."

Yeah like Pep Guardiola, David Moyes, Jose Mourinho. My two-year-old daughter...

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