Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Arsenal Chairman Peter Hill-Wood has backed Wenger to buy whoever he wants this summer.

With £17.8 million in half-yearly profits and a cash reserve of £123.3 million there should be no excuses.
Oh wait! You can throw an extra £150 million on top of that from the Emirates sponsorship, and then sprinkle £25 mill from the new Adidas kit deal for the 2014/15 seasons.

No excuses.

Hill-Wood stated: "We are in a position where we can compete with most people. If there is someone we really want, then the price guide is secondary."

Asked about the fans criticism of Arsene Wenger he added: "I understand that they want us to win everything, but so do I. We are in a damned sight better position than a lot of people".

Prove it. Bring on Falcao and Cavani then...

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