Friday, February 15, 2013


It sounds like Kieran Gibbs will be out for another four weeks as he continues to rehabilitate the thigh injury he picked up at Liverpool a month ago.

Commenting on the player's status Wenger said: "He is determined to come back as quickly as possible. He’s a bit down because it was a big blow to him. It happened at the moment he played his best football.

Which we all know; Gibbsy's meteoric rise to form has found the speedy defender a staple on the left side this season.

AW: “This is always a good period to build up the strength of a player – when he is injured. We have some experience in doing that and I am confident he will come back even stronger, but it will take him a while to get his complete confidence back in his body.”

I'm glad Wenger's drawing positives from this situation, because I can't help but flinch every time the tackles come in.
With our growing list of injuries especially in the defensive third, Kieran's return can't come quick enough.

We're just passed the midway point in the league and as notorious late-starters being our new moniker, fitness and consistency is the key to a successful attempt at 4th place.

Go buy some more bubble-wrap Arsene!

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