Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Prince Poldi put Germany 1 nil up against Ecuador in todays friendly in Boca Raton, Florida. The fastest goal in the German National teams history.

The Gooner was quick to dispossess defender Gabriel Achilier after Ecuador hastily retreated from the kick-off. Podolski mugged-off the timid defender and was left to half-volley the bobbling ball low past the keeper from the corner of the 18.

The weak German squad managed to go 4 - 0 up against the South American side who are currently ranked #10 by FIFA.

The goals didn't stop there. Lukas bagged an early brace as did Lars Bender before a slight resurgence from Ecuador in the second half.

The game finished 4 - 2 and Podolski's double strike will do wonders for his confidence and hopefully fill that gap between Olivier Bierhoff's chin and nose for a little while.
The German squads General Manager had this week stated that Podolski had had a "unsatisfactory performance over the last season." And questioned his inclusion in the national team.

Shut your pie-hole! There's only room for one 'Hoff' in Deutschland!
Ok - so he may have a slight point here. I agree that Lukas should have shone a tad brighter than he did given his obvious quality.
I just get a bit defensive when I hear non-Gooner's talk shit about our good players.

Podolski responded with: "If it seems that way to Mr Bierhoff, then that's his opinion. You don't have to discuss it. I do not care, I know what I have in me."

Although, Podolski's infrequent inclusion by Wenger gives a strong debate for Lukas's dip in form, only the Frenchman seems to know why Podolski was kept on the sideline so much during a seemingly injury-free debut season...

Anyways, hats off to Prince Poldi and may there be many more!

Check out the goal here...

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