Saturday, May 4, 2013


I'm not a fan of yellow really, I say Norwich City can keep it. But at the same time yellow and blue were first started in 1950's and it's been a good 14 years since we've seen the two colors together.

It's cool to switch it up with the 'purple reign' and variations of blue and even the white 3rd kit wasn't too bad. Burgundy on the other hand I can live without. It was actually the original Dial Square color back in 1886 - still no excuse!

This above... if it is a legitimate picture - This I could live with, I won't be buying it, but it's true to our history, it's not trying to be clever and we'll definitely be able to see each other on those frosty winter evenings.

And judging by the slightly different variation that Theo's wearing and then that picture at bottom which has been doing the rounds for some time now. I think we can safely say it's gonna be yellow next season.

Bring it on!

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