Wednesday, May 1, 2013


So what started as a news round-up turned in to a rant. I apologize. The round-up is down the bottom somewhere...

When there isn't really anything of real substance to report apart from the usual 'Jovetic to Arsenal update' or some story that implies that 'Aaron Ramsey's not actually as shit as his performances suggest', I'm stuck reporting on some of the more feasible junk in the news.

I'm sorry to 'Ramsay on your parade' but even Stevie Wonder can tell that young Aaron isn't good enough to pull on the red and white anymore.
Please stop making excuses for him. I agree - it's a damn shame, he was a top prospect until Ryan Shawcross ruined his career.
I too want Aaron Ramsay to be better than Lionel Messi, but in reality he's slow, uncalculated and wasteful.

And no he's not - 'Relishing in his new role' - no matter how many bloggers like to post about him; it's only vindicating there's an issue there in the first place.

Has Wenger found Ramsay's new role? No - there's just nowhere to put him anymore, at least anywhere he won't give the ball away too much. The safest place seems to be somewhere close to the middle so that he can safely rack-up an 80% pass-back statistic.
And don't try justify his performance based on the 'Wenger has faith' and so should we mantra.
Arsene Wenger sold the league directly to our biggest rivals for £24 million.

What a joke, we would probably be close to United's position had we held the Dutchman to his contact. I said probably...

Nobody seems to know exactly how much, but the general consensus is that the prize money for the EPL is in the range of £15 million. Coupled with the automatic Champions League qualification income of £16.5 million (£5.8 for playing the group stage and £10.7m for broadcast rights based on the 2011/12 season).
So that's a total of approximately £31.5 million for both the League and CL qualification.
Ok now subtract the £24 they paid and United sit with a profit of £7.5 million.
And of course Robin is on a hefty £200 grand a week which is why he left in the first place. That alone commands around £10.4 million a year plus possible add-ons and bonuses.
So the £10.4 million salary minus the £7.5 mil profit that leaves Man Utd about £2.9 million in the red. Oops!
No, not a lot for a team like United or even Arsenal - that's pennies.
...But then we forgot all about the shirt sales.

Van Persie 's replica shirt sales alone amassed over a quarter of the entire Premier League's this term (25.4%). That's one hell of a lot of glory supporters!

Did RVP cost United money - no!

Did the sale cost us?

I'll let you figure that one out.


Worth a mention. Will it happen? Unfortunately I doubt it.
After the 1-1 draw with United Wenger addressed the press regarding the rumored move:

AW: "First of all I don’t know too much about what’s been said about me. Then I’m concentrating on the next game and the next season. At the end of my contract I’ll see what I can do. I’ve always respected my contracts. I can’t see at my age why that should change."

Arsene's contract isn't up until the end of the 2014 season, Carlo Ancelotti's potential move from PSG to Real Madrid (José Mourinho is reported to be wanted back at Chelsea by Roman Abramovich) is making way for a vacancy at the super-rich French club.
The move makes sense but Wenger has it made in North London. The only pressure Wenger has at Arsenal is from us fans and what does that tell you...

Unless fans start to boycott games, our cries for change will never be taken seriously.


The lovable pint-sized Spaniard told the club website:

SC: "What I've taken from this year is that as a team we weren't very consistent for half of the season, which cost us in terms of reaching the higher positions in the league. Now we're a lot more consistent and that's the form we were lacking before - being consistent and getting the three points whenever we could. We're a long way off the top because of this lack of form, even though it was only for half the season."


It's ironic that Arsenal's answer to overachieving, over spending and success has been staring us in the face for quite some time now.
Alisher Usmanov is Russia's richest man at an estimated fortune of £20 billion and just can't give his money away when it comes to Arsenal FC.
Stan Kroenke's  67% controlling share over Usmanov's 30% has the Uzbek oligarch more than miffed, he can't pry the American's shares away at any price it seems. The prospect of another season with no real direction from the existing money-men must be as frustrating for a man like Usmanov as it is for us fans.

AU: "The team has no superstars now. In our understanding, Kroenke has no plans to sell his stake, but we also won’t sell out, as we are the team’s fans.”

I have to side with Usmanov here. Stan and the board seem to be content with a 4th place spot and the squeaky-clean profitable machine that Arsenal has become.
Usmanov on the other hand, whatever his motive, actually wants what us Gooners desire which is silverware and bragging rights.

He can stick his tongue out at his mate Abramovich and the rest of the New World Order, and we can give RVP and Spurs the 'one finger salute' all the way to Wembley.

It's pretty simple really. Boost the squad whilst being mindful of the FFP rules and regulations.


CV: "Going back to Arsenal? It could happen at any moment, but I don't want to think about it," he told L'Equipe.

"My life is at Real Sociedad, and it is with that shirt that I want to play in the Champions League next season."

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