Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Read it and weep. - No, not me.

Don't get me wrong, David Villa 'was' a World class player. We all know that, anyone who tries to argue that is obviously blind.

He's still a 'great' player, but he ain't a great deal. Not for us anyway, not at 32 years-old and just back from injury. Not when we're trying to build a strong, young core of players.

It isn't Wenger's style. I can see a 32 year-old experienced defender maybe, but not for a striker. And why spend all the time, money, tactical preparation and prowess to emulate Barcelona when we're not aiming to compete with them?

That means, buying their out-of-favor players!

And even at a massively reduced transfer fee, which is a necessity for Arsene to even consider him. We all know that Wenger wouldn't release those purse-strings even if his life depended on it! I believe that 'riggor mortis' set in years back.

All David Villa would do is temporarily stem the flow on our sinking ship, in my eyes that isn't good enough for a team like Arsenal.

We shouldn't be settling for second best, or f*#king 4th for that matter!

We should be breaking the bank for players like Cavani, Fellaini and Baines etc, etc.

Believe me, I'm like the next guy, deflated almost to the point of breaking during this January transfer window.

... If you put Chamakh in a box, wrapped it in paper and pinned an £8 mill price tag to his greasy mullet I'd probably jump for joy as he burst out in an Arsenal strip!

Just so we can say we did something. "Wenger kept his word this time!"

By all means, keep the cards close to your chest Arsene. Tactics 'n all that... But I honestly believe that when Giroud started scoring recently, Wenger let out a massive sigh of relief for all the wrong reasons.

Villa wasn't coming - he's too old, too expensive and Barca don't want to sell him.

We can do better.

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