Wednesday, July 31, 2013


So I'm walking around the Melrose flea market in West Hollywood with the family and my mate Eric, (a sorry Scouse Liverpool fan but he can't help it) and we spotted Gary Lineker with his wife.

Poor attempt at a photo-bomb
Eric eagerly went up to congratulate him on life - me on the other hand, slightly less reserved due to his Tottenham ties, I nodded then flashed him my Arsenal tattoo which he sneered at.  But he seemed friendly enough, so I let him off.

After Eric chewed his ear off, I managed to ask him what his opinion on Bale to Real Madrid was?

This is how the conversation went...

Me: "So Gary what do you think will happen regarding Gareth Bale and Real Madrid?" (i.e does he have the balls to leave the comfort of London to play with the big boys?).

GL: Yeah he's off.

Me: He is?!? (All excited!) You know for a fact?

GL: No but I think he'll go.

- And that was it. Short and sweet.

Take it as you will, I'm hoping old 'Salt n Lineker's' correct! He has to have some sort of inside scoop right?

After the response I even tried to get some supposed ITK's to retweet it in an attempt to give 'hope' during another dire transfer window (thus far). They didn't...

And yeah if he does leave for an astronomical £85mil (or whatever?) then the Spuds bank account doesn't bode too well for us with such a hefty sum.
But then again - they are a one man team who'll be even more f#*ked when he leaves!
I'm sure AVB will still struggle to get first-rate players to a second-rate club with no CL even with that sort of bank balance. We'll see.

I managed to find pictures of him and the missus from the same day at the flea market on the Daily Mail website...


This much convoluted saga that is - 'Luis Alberto Suarez Diaz' to Arsenal F.C has many fans torn regarding opinions of the controversial Uruguayan.

Personally I can't stand Suarez, he's a shitty example of a human being. I've alway's loved to hate him and whenever I see that ugly mug, be it on TV, poster, website or even the mere recollection makes my skin crawl!

But that's just me.

The player is definitely an expensive liability. He's also a World class striker that would fill the RVP shaped void left up in attack.

Pride and respect for my values aside - I've started to warm to the prospect of this lama-faced racist joining our squad.

Basically I'm desperate for us to succeed, and Luis Suarez plus a few more additions would definitely increase our chances of silverware this season.

Have a gander...


These are the words that respected 'Times' journo Tony Barrett conveyed in his recent radio interview with the Liverpool based station 105.9.

Barret who is also based in Merseyside said:

TB - "It's inconceivable that it (buyout clause) isn't, to be honest. Suarez signed a contract last summer at a time when it was doubtful that Liverpool would qualify for the Champions League the following season. So when that happens agents of top players sit down and 'say we want an insurance policy for the event of Liverpool not playing at the top level' .... I'm led to believe that Suarez has a £40m buy out clause."

So, that explains the much talked about £40 mil and a cheeky £1 bid then. Quite obvious really John W Henry you muppet!

However the Scouser's are now holding on to the 'technicality' that we are not yet qualified as we're not passed the group stages...

I'm hearing It's only a matter of time before Suarez is pulling on the red, white and blue. Granted Wenger up's the initial bid a little.... Great, and once again the fans hearts sink!

Have faith Gooner's. At least we want him enough to send in the legal team. It's looking positive.


An anonymous party has so far purchased twenty shares in our beloved club at 14.42. between £14,950 and £15,000 a shot.
That's 6.25% below the exchange bid price.

Not a bad deal if you can afford it.

Obviously there is speculation that Alisher Usmanov has upped his stake from 29.11% toward the 30% mark bringing him closer to that coveted place on the Arsenal board.

However, in Usmanov's case he would have to be formally invited by the existing members as he's you know, a tad bit shady and all that!

Either way it's significant news for AFC.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Who would you rather have at Arsenal... free polls 


Another week in to the transfer window and nothing but speculation and bullshit headline's, this makes it very hard to dissect what's actually woth posting.

After sifting through 'the good, the bad and the Gareth Bale' these are the most interesting and feasible articles from this week...


Wenger replied to questions regarding the 22-year-old Lyon midfielder:

AW: "We are following Grenier. His intelligent play pleases me."

The French International has scored four in Lyon's last seven games, scoring an absolute belter of a free kick in his final game (below).

Arsene continued:

AW: " He has interesting qualities and reminds me of Samir Nasri".

When Grenier was asked to comment on his future he replied:

CG: "Have I made a decision? Yes. More or less. I keep it for myself as I care for my discussions I have had with the president and the coach. I just want to say that I've never had demands. Moreover, either with the club or with my advisors, figures were never mentioned. My choice is a sporting one."

He added: "A fight between Arsenal and Lyon for me? Maybe. The competition at Arsenal? There is already that here [at Lyon]."

CG: "It is the same in all the major clubs and it is not a hindrance in my decision making. I'm still a young player. But I always set goals and do everything to surpass myself. Whether it is at Lyon or elsewhere. For now, I'm still a Lyon player and I may stay next season. I do not know myself what will happen. The only thing I expect is really at a sporting level, and my desire is to progress."

So, what does this mean?

It means we (Arsene) are obviously not shying away from our interest in the lad, and when I hear Wenger so candid in his response to a player, I automatically smell a rat-fish!

I guess I expect Wenger to hold his cards closer to his chest...

Although, a preliminary deal may have already have been agreed between the clubs which would explain his veracity. Why deny what's inevitably on the cards (exscuse the pun)...

I don't know? But what I do - is that this boy looks promising and he's also mentioned our club with probable intent.

Do we need another attacking midfielder?

No, but it's healthy competition for our existing AM's and Grenier's fancy footwork and speed means he can also play wide-right.

Possibly Grenier's last goal before becoming an Arsenal player?


Supposedly Queens Park Rangers goalkeeper Julio Cezar handed in a transfer request after the London club were relegated.

Reports on 'Italia Sky' are saying that he's already agreed terms with Arsenal for a 2-year deal worth around £3.6 million.

The 33-year old ex-Inter player is said to be favored over want-away Barcelona keeper Victor Valdes who we are also supposedly tracking.

Cesar would be a much cheaper option to the 31 year-old Spaniard, Valdes may however still remain at Barca for one more year.


Fiorentina's GM, Sandro Mencucci spoke regarding the Montenegrin attacker's future :

SM: "Jovetic wants a new experience and we'll try to make him happy, but only if a suitable offer comes in."

The Italian club values Jovetic at £25+ mill and Wenger is only prepared to offer £20m.

For once I agree with Wenger's tight-ass approach to the Jovetic situation.

The boy has not proved anything apart from prospect for the future. He had a pretty poor performance last season in comparison to his hype (12 goals in 33), his age and injury record are a defining factor in my eyes.

For £20 mil I'd much rather have either Benteke, Llorente, Adrian, Rooney or David Villa in our squad.


The Telegraph, have reported that Arsenal chairman Peter Hill-Wood is planning to retire after an 84-year family legacy on the Arsenal board.

Hill-Wood himself has sat on the board for 51 years and after a recent pneumonia and a heart attack scare the 77 year-old is ready to step down.

“Nothing has been decided.” Was Hill-Wood's response but good sources are saying that an exit strategy is being considered.

The current board is said to be vying for a former-player or a female to take of PHW's seat in an attempt to bring some passion and variety to the crotchety, decaying and stubborn board.

I say bring in King Henry and Adriana Lima to spice things up!

It's always a shame to see the end of an era; I wish PHW all the best regarding his family and heath.

Arsenal are ready to embark on fresher pastures and this is a step in the right direction for all.

Next is to get Kroenke out and then ____________ (fill in the blank!).


"No - stop, please! It hurts so good though! Aargh... senal..."
A very well written article for those of you with some spare time.

It's a long read but the points are very hard to ignore...